Dermatologist in Bahrain Get Safe VASER Abdominoplasty

Vaser liposuction abdominoplasty: The new age tummy tuck.

Loose skin or excess fat around the abdomen area can sometimes be uncomfortable and can also alter your body image. That is why many people opt for a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty to remove excess fat from your abdomen.

When are tummy tuck procedures recommended?

Your dermatologist in Bahrain will recommend a tummy tuck if you feel uncomfortable with the excess weight around your abdomen. It is a cosmetic procedure. Further, your doctors in German Medical Center will perform a tummy tuck surgery only if you are an ideal candidate.

Many reasons cause excess weight or loose skin to form in your abdomen area. For example, pregnancy, weight gain, aging, or even abdominal surgeries can cause loose skin around your bellybutton or also on the lower waist.

Developments in medical science and technology have made tummy tuck procedures simpler. Top dermatology hospitals in Bahrain offer the new VASER abdominoplasty- a revolutionary approach to the traditional tummy tuck procedure.

So, what is VASER abdominoplasty and how different is it from the traditional tummy tuck?

Vaser liposuction

The term VASER is an anagram for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. VASER liposuction or VASER abdominoplasty uses ultrasound technology to break down fat cells instead of extremely intrusive surgical procedures to remove abdominal fat.

Why VASER liposuction is highly recommended by dermatologist in Bahrain?

There are several advantages of VASER abdominoplasty over a traditional tummy tuck procedure. The best dermatologist in Bahrain at the top skin hospital in Bahrain recommend VASER technology.

Better body sculpting

Through VASER, the ultrasound technology liquefies fat cells and then removes them thereby providing better body sculpting than traditional abominoplasty procedure.

Faster recovery

VASER procedure is less intrusive. Therefore VASER treatment allows patients to recover faster than tummy tuck procedures. On the other hand, in traditional tummy tucks, there is increase in trauma on the surrounding tissues, causing swelling and more pain. So, recovery takes longer in a traditional abdominoplasty.

Less skin flab

When your doctor removes the fat cells from your abdomen area, the skin must retract well and conform to the new body shape. With VASER technology, skin retraction is better and fits well and tighter into the new and altered body shape.

Minimal Surgical scars

For VASER treatment, your dermatologist will make only a small surgical incision, unlike tummy tucks which usually involve larger incisions. So, in VASER technology there is minimal scarring after the procedure.

Recovery period

The recovery period for VASER treatments is shorter than the recovery period for tummy tuck procedures.  Dermatologists in Bahrain recommend VASER technology for faster recoveries.

Lower risk of complications

As VASER treatments result in lesser damage to tissues, there is a lesser chance of complications in the procedure.

Where can you get the VASER treatment in Bahrain?

As VASER treatment is a surgical procedure, it is highly recommended that you visit only the best dermatologist in Bahrain. The German Medical Center in Bahrain is one of the leading skin hospitals in Bahrain offering state-of-the-art dermatology treatment procedures including VASER treatment for abdominal tucks.

At German Medical Center we offer advanced medical procedures for the treatment of skin ailments and for the latest cosmetic enhancements. Our team of the best dermatologists in Bahrain are well qualified and highly experienced in the latest dermatology procedures.

Visit the German Medical Center for VASER technology treatment in Bahrain.

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